I recommend that FairFuelUK should be on the Passenger Focus Board

FairFuelUK Supporters are rightly concerned that another quango is to be set up supposedly representing independently the needs and concerns of 32m road users. The Secretary of State for Transport wishes to appoint a new member to the existing Passenger Focus board to help shape Government response to the expansion of their remit and represent the organisation to road users, the road industry, and other stakeholders.
We at FairFuelUK have been approached by many of you to apply for this position. We will be happy to do this but as you appreciate as an already influential campaigning 'on your behalf' group, in Westminster we are seen as somewhat of a nonconformist body. Well naturally we disagree and feel that FairFuelUK with its 1 million supporters, the backing of the RAC, FTA, RHA, APN and UKLPG, we should indeed be at the heart of any so called Government instigated organisation that will decide on our future roads infrastructure and related motoring issues agenda.
Most of the existing members of the Passenger Focus - new Road User team are establishment figures, not really close as to what your concerns really are. FairFuelUK would represent your views and your needs. You know that. So that's where we need your help. If you agree please simply send the email below or indeed your own email to boardrecruitment@passengerfocus.org.uk. We have made it easy to do, you can change the title and content to suit your own style.
Thanks so much for your continuing support. FairFuelUK Campaign Team