Contact the London Mayor, His Labour Assembly Members and his National Political Boss Keir Starmer and ask why your objection to the ULEZ expansion was ignored.

Dear FairFuelUK Supporter

You kindly took part in Transport for London’s ULEZ Expansion Consultation process last year.  Believing your voice would be taken into account.  How wrong you were.

It is alleged Sadiq Khan deliberately excluded your objection. Your position on this issue was simpy not counted.

In case you have not heard, despite 62% objecting to the emissions charging zone expanding to all London Boroughs, Sadiq Khan has ridden roughshod over democracy and ignored the result. The Expansion of the existing ULEZ zone is to be implemented in August.

New documents released by the Tory London Assembly members reveal Sadiq Khan made ‘false and dishonest’ statements to the London Assembly on six occasions.

Sadiq Khan and his deputy Seb Dance told the London Assembly that they had not been briefed in advance on the ULEZ consultation results, when asked repeatedly by Peter Fortune AM at public meetings. Internal correspondence and secret documents released today reveal that this was untrue and dishonest.

Nick Rogers AM, GLA Conservatives transport spokesperson, has submitted a formal complaint about Sadiq Khan’s misconduct to the Greater London Authority Monitoring Officer. The Mayor is expected to face an investigation into his behaviour.

The documents also show thousands of responses, 90% of which opposed the expansion, were secretly and improperly excluded from the final ULEZ consultation results after an intervention by the Mayor’s senior advisers. The intervention lowered the overall level of opposition in the final count by 3 percentage points (from 62% to 59%).

Just see how serious this issue is. Watch MP Craig Mackinley's question to the Prime Minister at PMQs this week. 

Here is your opportunity to contact the Mayor, and the Labour Party and ask why your objection to the ULEZ expansion was ignored.

Feel free to demand reasons why your input was dismissed. 

Here is how to get an answer from The Mayor of London and his cohorts.

1. Add your name and address. Please note your postal address is essential for the London Mayor to take your email as being from valid UK citizen.
2. Scroll through the example email shown below.You can choose which of the targets you wish to send to. But it would be best to send to all of them. All are ticked by default.

Then you can edit, change the subject title and content of the example email to suit your style or simply send as shown.

3. Validate the form by solving the simple sum with the answer e.g  4+1 = "5"
4. Once you are completely happy with the email sign the box and press the 'SEND' button

Thanks so much and lets see what their response will be to you.

Please leave those labelled 'Copy of my emails' in the boxes as shown below.

These ones will enable Sir Keir Starmer, Angela Rayner, Annaleiese Dodds and Labours Head Office to receive a copy.

These are the London Assembly Members who will receive your complaint email  


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