Please Ask Defra to Implement Proven Solutions to Lower Emissions Instead of Tax

In July, DEFRA will publish its Air Quality Plan for Cities.

They are under pressure from environmental groups to punish millions of hard working drivers by introducing toxic taxes, higher parking charges and even, charging drivers by the mile to go to work.

In addition, the clueless Treasury are looking at raising taxes to lift us out of those austerity policies of recent years. Yet again, consumers and businesses will have to pay for Government ineptitude. There is a real risk that the already highest Fuel Duty in the world will be increased to help them out of their fiscal hole. Former Chancellor Nigel Lawson suggests an increase in fuel duty to help with public spending.

They still don't get it, do they? That high taxation kills economic growth, whereas stimulating consumer spending produces more tax revenue to the Treasury for public services. 

With only 11% of emissions attributed to diesel cars, why should hard-working drivers, families, white van man, small businesses be held responsible for 89% of the issue and also be asked to pay for the austerity blunders of the last 7 years.

In our recent survey of 16,000 drivers, only 1 in 100 UK drivers believe that adding a pollution tax to diesel will improve the environment. With 4 out of 5 diesel drivers saying they have no choice but to drive the same mileage even with a speculative green tax added to their cost of motoring. 98% of drivers believe such a tax hike would cost jobs, increase inflation and purely just raise extra cash for the Treasury and the Mayors of UK Cities.

Waging war on 15m hard working diesel drivers is crass, ill thought out and deceitful. NOx is already falling in our cities without fleecing motorists with another quick cash grab. Poor policy based on emotion is driving Whitehall decisions with Ministers ignoring low emission alternatives that will lower emissions more effectively than tax hikes

It's strange that UK diesel drivers are already punitively taxed more so than those in Germany, France, Greece and other EU economies. These nations all subsidise diesel with lower taxation compared to their petrol levies. Amazingly Greek diesel drivers pay a massive 25p less than petrol at the pumps. The UK is the only nation that nearly always pays more at the pumps for diesel than petrol. So, any additional tax hike masked under a Green label will be unfair and pointless.

Here is YOUR chance to ask Defra's Minister Michael Gove to see common sense and adopt more effective ways than taxation to lower city emissions.  You can read about three we selected to send to DEFRA at this link:

Here is how to contact Defra. We've made it really easy for you to email them, but follow these instructions carefully:

Instructions to send email to Defra:

1. Scroll down and add your name and address. Remember Defra will not respond or act unless you show that you exists. So your postal address is essential.

2. Scroll through the example email letter to Michael Gove shown below. Edit, change the content to suit your style or send as shown as it contains detailed evidence to support alternative solutions instead of tax hikes.

3. To show you're an actual person, then complete the simple calculation, such as "what is two plus four = ?"

4. Once you are happy sign the box and press the 'Continue' button.



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